Sunday, February 17, 2008

Tu Speak Franglais?

I was in the elevator with this guy today who was singing a song, and then he stopped and said "Je sing". I thought that this was a cute little mix of English and French, so I giggled a little. Then I looked down and noticed that his knees and hands were bloody. He actually said "Je sang", which means "I'm bleeding". Whoa.

I'm eating a whole chicken by myself that I bought for $7.50 USD. It's really medieval-looking since I don't really have any plates or knives or anything. But what a bargain! So far it's lasted me two meals, and I've barely even begun.

Reading a book about the history of the word liberalism would be boring in any language, but at least it would go faster in English. I'm in the middle of Chapter 2, and only got through Chapter 1 after bribing myself with naps, chocolate, and hummus. At the end of Chapter 2, I get a Snickers bar! On the plus side, I finished my paper. Early. This is the first time that this has happened to me since maybe high school, but possibly middle school or never.

On a scarier note, an American girl was violently raped in our dorm last night. Another girl in my program heard her being thrown against the wall and screaming for help. Part of me wants to go buy pepper spray, but another part wants to go for a gun. But this probably isn't legal in France.

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