Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I came home to my dorm room today and found a note taped to my door handle. On it there was an anthropomorphized cartoon condom smiling with arms outstretched (as if to suggest it wanted a hug). Above the condom was the word "Bienvenue" with a heart between the "Bien" and the "venue". The goal of this note was to try to get me to go to an event for the welcoming of new residents/AIDS awareness. I like these two things, but rolling it all into one event strikes me as lazy if not suspicious. What kind of welcome do these people have in mind? I had every intention of abstaining from this event, but the only place the wifi works is the room in which it was held. I huddled in the corner throughout the beginning, which consisted of a video game where you operate a condom swimming in a sea with eggs and AIDS, and some B music videos with guys singing soulfully about AIDS. I did not feel welcomed, nor did I learn anything about AIDS. It was funny that they put AIDS and children in the same group for the video game, though.

I did a presentation today that went over really badly. Like, really badly. But one of the things I learned while preparing for it was that the symbol for the socialist party here is a hand holding a rose in old-timey style. It looks uncannily like the part in Beauty and the Beast where the old woman is holding the rose (in the stained glass intro). Which is set in France. Here comes the deconstruction: the old lady represents socialism, when the beast (a right winger) refuses to recognize the beauty of charity he is forced to live as an unfortunate person/animal. The rose (socialism) can save him only if he learns how to be self-sufficient. Thus, socialism is not a hand-out, but a hand-up. Once he finally learns self-sufficiency/falls in love, he is free of dependency on the rose. Socialism saved him only because he saved himself. Ugh, I'm making myself nauseous.

I have an idea for a blog called "deconstruction". The tag line is "sucking fun out of life like Dracula sucked blood out of Lucy (BLOOD symbolizes SEXUAL INNOCENCE)". Basically it would just be about the deconstructions of things that people are coming up with all the time. I'm not really going to do this one, so feel free to steal the awesome idea.

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