Friday, February 1, 2008


After two weeks of living in this foyer, it's become clear to N and I that it's super overpriced ($750/month) for a place without a refrigerator or a decent kitchen. So we've been apartment searching, and came across a little place in a better part of town with a real kitchen and utilities included for much less ($525/month). Plus we can have internet in our rooms, and we won't have to buy dinner every night. I filled out the application, which included the question of "religion". Seriously? N wanted to say atheist, and I was torn between Jewish or some kind of Christian. It's in the Jewish quarter, but there's tons of anti-semitism in France, so I wasn't sure what they were looking for. Also there are a ton of Catholics here, but I'm not sure how protestants feel about them. I decided to go with "Christian" and not specify. Now that I'm thinking about it I'm pretty sure the guy was Christian because the email said "God bless" a lot and I don't think a serious Jew would write "God". Good.

I'm going to Barcelona next weekend!

I pulled a tendon in my foot by wearing high heels. I'm not sure how this is possible, but it really hurts. Ouch.

I kind of hate arm hair. I mean, I'm not judging you for having it, but it's not for me. I use this depilatory in the US, so I bought the same one over here, but the French one is way better. The packaging is more efficient and environmentally friendly (the US one is in a shaving cream can, over here it's like a huge thing of toothpaste.) Also, the US one comes with this thing that's supposed to look like a razor to get it off, but there's no way to spread it on except to awkwardly use your finger. In France, there's actually a little wavy piece of plastic with a flat end, so you can use the same thing to put it on and take it off. Veet, why are you holding out on us Americans? I kind of want to buy tons of it and then sell it or something. Just kidding, that would be totally dumb.

More on the Prada interview: My resume is full of kind of ridiculous things. Like high school choir. So the guy was like "you sing?" and I was like, "what? No!" Great. Also knew how to say "debate club" but not "philosophy discussion club" for the french translation of my CV, so I just changed it. I feel like they're both equally irrelevant and an equivalent amount of work. But he asked me to explain exactly what the deal was with political debate club, and I lied so well. I made up a whole thing about how there are democrats and republicans and we take turns leading was awesome. The weird thing is that it didn't feel any more insincere than the rest of the interview, or any other job interview I've ever done. Hmm.

I love omelettes and pastries. So do French people. This has worked out well for me.

1 comment:

vino said...

Hi Marina: Glad you are writing this blog so we can keep up with you. Time difference makes it hard to call you. What is the best time in Tucson to call you? Are you back to normalish hours? Janet Napolitano has been campaigning for Barack, and I'm wondering who is going to lead Az if he appoints Janet to a cabinet post. This coming Tues is Super Tues and Mardi Gras. Love Mom. Keep in touch.