Tuesday, February 5, 2008


My across-the-hall neighbors had a scary fight in an African language last night. There was slapping, crying, and yelling that all lasted several hours. This isn’t unusual, but it was a little more prolonged and they guy was crying a lot louder than he normally does. It’s hard to write a French paper in these conditions, but I did it anyway. I didn’t, however, write a good French paper. Translation of the introduction:

In every democratic country, there are differences of opinion among the citizens. This is the nature of democratic society ; different ideas exist because people are different. Extreme political parties are a natural result, sometimes they have good intentions, but sometimes extreme violent tendencies also exist. In France, there is a problem with the extreme right which still exists. French history includes violent dictatorships against it’s citizens. This history doesn’t stop the people who support the extreme right. What are the origins of this threat to France ? We can follow the modern history of the extreme right. It starts with the Dreyfus affair, when an innocent man was accused of committing a crime simply because he was Jewish. In the 1940s, the Vichy regime suppressed the people. The threat of the extreme right is still evident, in 2002 Le Pen won 16% of the vote. However, the threat is in a different form every time it arrives. With the Dreyfus affair, the church threatened justice. The Vichy regime was a dictatorship. Finally, many citizens like Le Pen; he was a candidate as a result of elections. The forms are different, but the threat is the same, the extreme right can destroy liberty.

The worrisome thing is what if I really am this dumb?

Legal age of marriage in France: men must be 18, women, 15. Whoa. PS and I played a game last night that involved guessing the legal age of consensual sex in different states, and which states don’t allow gay sex (as of 2001). Hilariously, Massachusetts was on that list.

What ever happened to “study abroad is for parties”? I’m in school every day from 9-4 or 9-6, and then I have homework. This is not a party. But sometimes when I do homework by myself I turn on music and call it a “homework party” for fun. That trick doesn’t always work on me, though. I’m supposed to be having a homework party right now, but I had to take a break because it involved practicing a speech with lots of numbers in it. Also, I’ll bet I’m driving my quiet next-door neighbor crazy.

I’m looking for a summer internship. This is going okay. If none of the places I’m applying to hire me, I think I will send letters to companies asking them to let me dog their heels for free. One application is due on Saturday, so I need to update my resume. The problem is that I don’t know what I’m doing for an internship here, but I think my resume would look way cooler with whatever internship I’m doing listed. Another problem is that I have to take stupid math and science at stupid summer school this stupid summer. And I need to make some dollars. Mrrgh. Maybe just volunteer somewhere instead?

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