Sunday, March 9, 2008

Ways I Have Put My Life In Danger Recently

1. Jaywalking. I'm not going to say that you shouldn't jaywalk, since I'm realistic. But I will say this: give yourself time to trip and get back up, or make the cars stop for you. I had enough time to run across the other day, but I nearly tripped. If I had totally tripped, I might be dead. So, watch out.
2. Salmon, 2 days past expiration.
3. Cheese, 1 day past expiration.

BUT I skipped out on the ham not past expiration that smelled like alcohol and was shriveled. So that's good, right?

1 comment:

vino said...

Hi Rina: You must be working hard or bumming out because no blogs lately. We love to read what's going on. We went to the snow at Hannagan Meadow for 4 days. Bruised my rib stupidly the first day sledding, so stuck inside while others x-country skied. Brad is here with AvaJean to see Grandma. She's (Ava) cute and nice. All well. Emma to Catalina Island trip tonight. Hallie practicing for a new duet with Christie. Mom hoping to nail down the job at Vail for next year. I'm biking more. Wish you'd blog more on the history of American liberalism. Love, H