Thursday, April 10, 2008

Everything I Needed To Know I Learned In Kindergarten

I am sick and it’s only getting worse. I finally (day three) went to the pharmacy and bought twenty dollars worth of cough medicine, which in France means four days of pills to stop my runny nose and a small bottle of throat spray. I know what you’re thinking: why not buy an all-in-one medicine for colds, like NyQuil? Well, I’m way ahead of you, but France is not. They looked at me like I was crazy when I asked if there was one medicine that could do both things.

I went in to work sleep-deprived and voiceless, hoping I could just watch eBay auctions quietly. Asked Jean-Paul if there was anything to be done, unfortunately, there was. We have a lookbook with all of the product placements in magazines we’ve done, and I had to update it. Anyone who remembers my stunning performances in Book Arts knows that I have no talent for cutting in a straight line (the teacher thought I had a learning disability, it’s that bad). It probably goes without saying that I fucked it up, but for illustrative purposes: I started, lunched, came back and started pasting in a brand that has it’s own lookbook, undid that, realized that all the brands have to be separate, undid more things…Plus the cutting is clearly uneven, and there’s glue on the pages. Awesome.

I was doing so well on my diet and exercise, but now it’s all gone to waste. I can barely even walk up the stairs without feeling like I’m going to fall down, so I’m kind of stuck in bed. Today I had the most delicious pastry that I’ve ever eaten, I think. It was called the divorce; it’s an éclair filled with light chocolate crème and coated half with coffee-flavored icing and half with dark chocolate, with a small line of whipped cream down the center. I think I’m going to make that mistake again.

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